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Stay and Learn Sessions

Establishing and maintaining positive working relationships with parents is central to ensuring a child’s success. Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children’s learning, and levels of parental engagement are consistently associated with better academic outcomes.

Each term we welcome parents in to stay and learn with their child/ren in class. This provides an opportunity to share their learning journey and we can offer support with strategies to help learning at home. 

Below are powerpoints we have shared with parents on the day with key messages.

We also meet with parents termly to share the progress of their child and help provde some targets that can be worked on at home. these meetings can bee booked using the School Spider APP.  

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Files to Download

Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

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Let's Connect!

Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr E Burke | Chair of Governors

0151 424 4958 Follow Us