Home Learning
Home Learning
We have a number of online resources which we buy into, for your child. You should have their passwords to access these. Also, please go to your child's class pages, by clicking on the link on the school website, where you will find more resources.
The online company, Twinkl are also providing free resources at https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/parents.
All children have access to TTRockstars, where they can really brush up on their times tables skills, during this time. Doing this will really help ALL children, not only to know their tables, but to be able to use multiplication in other areas of the curriculum, and for daily life. The children also have access to the online maths games which have been designated by their class teachers (see class pages). You could do some baking, getting your child to do everything e.g. weighing, getting the utensils, mixing, and then ask them to write up the recipe and method (the way they did it).
Your child will have their School reading book, and they can also read online on various websites. This is an opportunity for your child to really settle down and read a good book, in peace and quiet, (to give you some of the same, also!) and also to read with parents/carers for 10 minutes per day.
Have your child keep a daily journal/diary of the things they do. Also ask them to write about family, pets, hobbies, holidays, likes/dislikes. Ask them to write stories about their favourite topic e.g. dragons, and then draw pictures, to add to the story, or have children type up their story and add graphics from the internet. Children could also write letters to friends they may not be able to play with at the moment, or family they can't see.
You have your child's spelling lists, at home, so they can do the 'Look, Say, Write, Check' routine, to polish up on the 100 or 200 words lists. Regular practise will really help your child to improve their writing.
Children could write up a report on a recent experiment they have completed at school, or you could set up an experiment from the internet. They could also do a project on their current class science topic (see class pages). Or they could simply sit in the garden, counting the number of bees/bird/insects they see, and making up a simple chart/graph of their findings. This would be in keeping with current Mindfulness thinking.
History and Geography
Children could do an in depth project on their current history topic, (see the class page), with writing, pictures, poetry and photographs.
Art and Design Technology
There are lot of activities the children can do for Art and DT. Go to the class page to find out which topics your class are currently learning about, and get them drawing, painting and making, using re-cycled materials.
If you have a trampoline, then turn it into more of an educational session. For example the children could perhaps do a specific number of jumps, before the next child's turn, and instead of counting up in 1s, try 2s, 3s, 4s times tables and see how far they can get, with the correct answer e.g. 3 x 2 = 6. 4 x 2 = 8 - age appropriately. Running on the spot, for a timed period, using a sand/kitchen timer might be fun. See if your child can count the seconds themselves and whether it matches up with the timer.
Everyone has their own, internal instrument, (their voice), so encourage children to just sing for fun, along with the radio/CD player. If they already play an instrument, then this would be a really good time for them to practise - perhaps in the bedroom!!
Modern Foreign Languages
Your child could use the internet to download words for common items, in the language they are learning at school e.g. Spanish in Key Stage 1 and in Key Stage 2. They could blue tack the word to the item e.g. 'door', 'table', 'chair' - so that it becomes automatic to see the item and use the word.